Friday, 17 October 2008

Halloween Gate Commercial Use Freebie

Yeah another commercial use freebie for you all.
This is a halloween gate I made from scratch.
Feel free to recolour if you like.
You may add this to your kits changed or not or use for your own personal use.
Also you can sell it in your kits too if you like, there is a full list of what you can and can't do including in the download in my terms of use, please read them first before using this piece.
Click HERE to download
And don't forget to leave a little comment if you download.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Eyeball Commercial use freebie

Hi got a new freebie for you all.
Due to bad health I never got round to finishing my halloween kit so thought I would offer this part as a freebie.
So there is one full size and one tagger size eyeball included in the download, please read my terms of use before using.
It's all made from scratch by me and feel free to recolour the eye if you want.
I do allow you to add to your own kits to sell or for free.

To get the eyeball click HERE

Don't forget to leave a comment when you download.

New Layout

Decided to do a new layout so what do you think?
It's only my second layout I've ever done so it's pretty simple but think it reflects the sort of weather I'm in for in the Uk lol.
Feel free to leave any comments about the new layout.
Hugs misspigwa

Another award

Ok wow another award and it's from kim at kimmies kreations again lol, thanks hun was lovely to see another award for me makes up for the rubbish time I've been having recently.
So it's a freindship around the world award and I have to pss it on to 6 or 8 other blogs, gosh I know a lot of my friends have this award so will pass onto 6 others this time.
All these ladies have such great tallent and their blogs are fab!

I won an award

Wow I got an award from Kim at Kimmies Kreations
So I needed to post my award which I have done above and the link to kim's site is above too as she gave it to me, now I need to award it to 7 other blogs so here goes-
1. Tammy of course at
Phew that was a hard one as I've seen so many lovely blogs over the years.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Signed with another store and news

Well firstly I've signed with another store called scrapping whispers and you can find it HERE
I'm still with angelic scraps too so now you can buy my sets etc from either store.
I will hopefully get things up in the scrapping whispers store by the end of this week, but I'll let you know when via my blog.
Also still working on my halloween kit, I'm doing it in both tagger and full size so keep an eye out for that in the next week or 2.
And fab news too, I won a gift certificate for gorjuss art and after loads of trying I downloaded my pack this morning, woohoo!
Big thanks to Aiya who gifted me with it and keep on till we figured out how it all worked lol.
So got a lot of playing to do now too.
The weather here is rubbish today, weird because we had such a lovely weekend too, but such is the age old britsih weather.
Hope you all have a fab day whatever your up too.
Hugs misspigwa

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

CU Eggheads Freebie

Another freebie for you all.
This is my eggheads range I made a little while ago.
The set includes a cat, dog, pig and rabbit.
They are all in png format and 300dpi.
Included in the download is my commercial use terms of use, please read this before using any of these pieces.
To download eggheads click HERE
Don't forget to drop me and note if you download either in 4 shared or in my shout box.
Hugs misspigwa

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Halloween Kit Sneak Peek

Hi all just thought I would tease you with a little sneak peek of what I've been working on.
The witches are all hand drawn by me and will be part of a halloween set I am creating at the moment.
I'm going to try my hand at making a tagger size and full size kit.
This will be my first full size kit so hope it goes ok.
Once done they will be available in the store for prob $3 for the tagger size kit and $5 for the full size kit.
I'm going to cram pack it full of goodies too so you can get good value for your money.
I am considering doing a hallowen commercial use set too with some goodies including the witches for others to use in their sets, but I'll see how good the rest of the items come out first.
Hugs misspigwa

Friday, 12 September 2008

CU Scarecrow Freebie

Yeah my first commercial use freebie for you all.
This scarecrow was created by me a little while ago so I thought I would share with you all.
It would look great in a farm kit.
After you have downloaded it please be sure to read my terms of use.
It is ok to resell in your kits changed or not though, and credit is not required but always nice to get lol.
To download the scarecrow click HERE

Thursday, 11 September 2008

New Layout

OMG it took me all day to get my head round making this new layout, it just wouldn't insert my pictures lol.
Then finding out the size etc, it was a nightmare but well worth it.
Big thanks to krissy for all the help and also to nascar, without you guys talking me through it all I wouldn't have managed to do it.
The layout is made from my pink princess kit.
Sure once I practice I'll get better with it all lol.
Feel free to leave a comment in my cbox.
Hugs misspigwa

Tut writers

If you are a tut writer and would like to use one of my kits to make a tut with just email me with a link to your tut site and I'll give you the kit for free.
I write tuts too but I'm easily distracted lol, so I know if you had to buy every kit you did a tut for you couldn't do it.
So email me at
Include you web address and also which kit you want of mine, (only 1 at a time), then when you've finished your tut email me the link so I can nosey and link you up, then you can request a kit again lol.
If you want more info just email me.
Hugs misspigwa


I wanted to leave a note because as we all know it's 9/11 today.
I want to send out my thoughts to all those who were effected by this tragedy.
This day will forever be marked in our minds and although time helps heal the wounds our hearts and minds will never forget.
So I want to praise the courage and support of all the people involved during and after this event, without that a lot of you people wouldn't be alive today.
Me my and my family will be doing a minute or two of silence in remberance of all those effected and I hope others will be doing the same.
To all effected I admire you strength to have pulled through such a terrible event and know you are not alone and the whole world mourns with you.
God bless all that lost their lives, you may be gone but you will never ever be forgotten.

Get cooking PTU taggers size kit

Hi I've got a new scrap kit up called Get Cooking at the scrap store- find them in the shop simply click on the designer section found on the left hand side and click on misspigwa's scraps.
The kit is priced at $3 and all the elements in it are hand drawn by me.
Not everything would fit into the preview but here's what is included in the kit-
10 papers
chefs hat
colour pallette
cup and saucer
draining spoon
electric whisk
2 jugs filled with utensils
name plate
oven glove
sharpe knife
5 steam doodles
weighing scales
2 different types of whisks
and 3 word arts.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Sea Animal commercial use set

Hi I've got a new commercial use set up for sale at
To find it in the shop simply click on the designers section found on the left hand side and click on misspigwa's scraps.
The set is priced at $3.
You can use these in your kits free or paid, for more info on this pop over to the store as there is a more detailed discrition of what you can use them for.

PTU Pink Princess scrap kit

Hi I've got a new scrap kit up called Pink Princess at the scrap store-
To find them in the shop simply click on the designer section found on the left hand side and click on misspigwa's scraps.
The kit is priced at $3 which is a bargin cause it's crammed packed!
Not everything would fit into the preview, for a list of what is in the kit go over to the store and click on it, there is a list of all items included there.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

I won my first award

Yeah I won an award and it's my very first one.
Thank you so much kim of for giving me the award.
Ok so now I have to pass the award on to 7 other people, gosh I like so many blogs it's going to be hard to choose.
So I'm going to just pick blogs I view often and admire a lot.
and I've saved the best for last, (had to say that or tammy would kill me lol).
those new to award you need to save the award above and add to your blog post along with 7 blogs you want to give the award too.

2 new photography packs up for sale

Hi I've got 2 new photography packs up for sale at
To find them in the shop simply click on the stock photos section found on the left hand side.
The photos are priced at 50 cents each making them $2.50-$3.
Look out for more packs coming very soon and also bundle packs for a discounted price and commercial use packs too!
Also I'll have a small freebie photography pack coming to the store soon so check back for when it's available.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

4 new photography packs up for sale!

Yeah I have my first photography packs up for sale!
Each pack is 300dpi and it's sized at 800 by 600 pixels.
The packs are priced $3 for pack one and four and $2.50 for pack two and three.
That's only 50 cents per picture!
All four photography packs can be found at the scrap store
When you go to the shop either go to the left and scrool down to my name, misspigwa in the manufactures box, or check the stock photos section.
There are larger previews of the packs over at the shop if you need a clearer look.

Thanks for checking and feel free to drop me any ideas on my next set of picture's.

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Freebie bright sea taggers size kit

Yeah my first freebie kit for you all.
Bright sea kit contains-
8 papers, 4 angel fish, 3 fish, a crab, an octopus, 2 icecreams, 6 flip flops, 6 lilos, 3 danglie charms, 4 danglie word art, 6 bows and 3 dragon flies.
It's called bright sea and can be found at the scrap store
When you go to the shop either go to the left and scrool down to my name, misspigwa in the manufactures box, or check the freebie section.
It's easier me just having everything for download at the shop unless it's a little odd freebie.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Yeah new scraps coming soon!

Yeah finally got my head around a blog woohoo!
Well I'm so into scraps now, been making them for a few years and been doing a lot of odd bits, and collab kits too.
But now I'm doing it all myself, I'll be doing complete kits and odd bits and bobs.
I normally make bits and share with my friends or round groups on msn but decided to share via a blog so more people can make use of my creations.
So check back often for new freebies and kits.
Hugs misspigwa

Monday, 12 May 2008

Happy Garden Tut

Happy Garden

Supplies needed are-
A tube of choose
A round mask of choose.
Happy Garden scrap kit from

Open a 600 by 600 canvas and flood fill white.
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with a light blue colour, go to layers - load/save mask - from disk.
Now go to layers - merge group.
Copy and paste the fence from the kit onto your tag, resize it to a size of your liking.
Now add a slight drop shadow to it.
Now copy and paste your grass under your fence as a new layer, resize so it fits with no over hang of the fence.
Now duplicate this layer and move above your fence, pull it so it fits to the edges of your fence and drag it down to make it smaller than the grass behind the fence.
Now copy and paste the 3 flowers on stems as new layers above your fence but under the top grass.
Resize and arrange as I have above.
You will need to then get your selection tool and cut of the bits of stem which are showing under the grass.
Merge your 3 flowers with stems together, add a drop shadow to it, then duplicate this layer and go to image mirror.
Place them as I have above at the edge of your fence.
Now copy and paste the pink and green flower from the kit above the bottom grass layer.
Resize then, I resized my green flower to make it smaller than the pink one.
Arrange them as you like behind the fence, you may need to duplicate the flowers a couple of times, see my tag above for how I placed them.
Now copy and paste the happy garden tag 2 from the kit above your fence layer, resize and place as I have above, I had to pull the edges slightly to get it to look better on the fence.
Now copy and paste your tube behind the fence layer, add a drop shadow to it.
Copy and paste the sun from the kit behind your tube and place to the left of it and add a drop shadow to it, see my tag above for placement.
Copy and paste the butterfly from the kit, resize and place to the right of your tube and add a drop shadow to it.
Copy and paste the 2 flies above your happy grade tag, resize and add to either side of the tag, you will need to go to image - mirror on one of them to face it in the opposite direction.
Add a drop shadow to them both.
Now add your copyrights, crop any edges off that you don't need and save.
There your done!
This tut was written by misspigwa plz do not copy it or add to your groups etc.
Feel free to link to this tut.

My First Post!

Hi everyone, well I'm going to try and get my head around a blog lol.
I'll update you on the weird and wonderful world of misspigwa and hopefully share a few things I have made like blank tags, tiles and tag backs.
And I may share a few tuts too.
It's another nice day here with me, the sun is shining but it isn't too hot.
It's a day of rest and relaxation for me today while I try and rest up so my tummy doesn't hurt too much.
I have blood tests tommorrow to see if they can find out what it is, and get those results plus my scan results on Friday so fingers crossed they figure out what it is and get me sorted.
That's all for now folks lol.
Hugs misspigwa